Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jennifer Aniston can Sing!

Not only does Jennifer Aniston have one of Hollywood’s Hottest Bodies for 2009, but her vocal chords aren’t too shabby, either! Jennifer will star and sing in the upcoming 2010 film, “The Goree Girls,” based on the true story of The Goree Girls All String Band. Jennifer plays a 1940s woman imprisoned in Texas, who, along with several other inmates, puts together a band in the hopes that they will one day become popular enough with the public to be released from jail. Soggy-Bottom Boys, eat your hearts out! We haven’t heard Jennifer’s singing chops quite yet, but one thing we do know is confidence is a key ingredient when trying something new. If you’re looking to make a physical change to boost your confidence, if it’s cosmetic surgery, we’re here to help.

The Open Road

The multi-talented Justin Timberlake will be co-starring with Jeff Bridges in the new film “Open Road”! JT plays the role of Carlton Garrett, the estranged son of Bridges, an ex-baseball star. Father and son are forced on an unexpected road trip, where we’re sure tears, hugs and laughter will ensue (and then there’s the stuff that will happen in the movie!). JT, 2008’s Best Eyes, has captivated audiences world over with those intense peepers. Take a lesson from our friend Mr. Timberlake- If the eyes are the windows to the soul, it may be time for a new treatment. Blepharoplasty, (eyelid surgery), or a Browlift, are perfect ways to get rid of the excess skin or fat that can lead to a droopy, tired appearance. Get your eyes wide open for “Open Road” August 28th!

Scarlett Johansson's New Album!

Is it just us, or is Scarlett Johansson really busy lately? Not only is she out promoting her new movie “Iron Man 2”, but she’s releasing her new album “Break Up” this Fall. Johansson paired up with singer/songwriter Pete Yorn on the album, which is themed around a couple and the up’s and down’s of their relationship. (Hmm… How original.) Speaking of not being original, she’s also starring in the sequel to Iron Man. Scarlett plays The Black Widow, nemesis of Tony Stark. But where her career lacks originality, her beauty is second to none. Her lips are one of the hottest features on our list, and are the point of envy to many of our patients. Ladies, ask us how you can plump up your pucker, just like Scarlett’s. ScarJo, you know we say these things because we love you. Let’s kiss and make up.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Brad Pitt VS. Hitler!

Brad Pitt isn't just an attractive stay-at-home-dad of 6. Oh no. He's also a Nazi killer! Or at least he is in Quentin Tarantino's new film, "Inglourious Basterds". This year’s Hollywood's Hottest Lips stars as an American who leads a group of Jewish assassins across the French border for one purpose only: to take down the Third Reich and assassinate Hilter! The days of Nazis and Hitler are long behind us, but the demand to get a Pitt-worthy pucker is at an all time high! Men and women alike are constantly requesting full, pouty lips here at BHI. Juvederm and other fillers are all great ways to perfect a Brangelina smoocher. "Inglourious Basterds' comes to a theater near you on August 21st 2009. We can’t wait to see him barking orders through those gorgeous lips.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hollywood's Hottest is The Baroness!

Sienna Miller is The Baroness in the new Paramount film GI Joe: Rise of Cobra! Sienna plays The Baroness, who is "Duke's" (Channing Tatum) ex fiancé, and the evil minion of a weapons expert. The action film debuted this weekend, taking in an estimated $100.3 million worldwide! Sienna might have been voted 2006's Hottest Eyes, but we think she looks stunning in her skin tight Baroness outfit. After this movie, we have a feeling we'll be seeing her for 2010's Best Body category! If you’re stuck with the classic dilemma of wanting Sienna’s beautiful bod but don’t have the opportunity to shape your own guns by lugging around your evil boss’s heavy weaponry day and night, come in and see us for a consultation. We often combine body sculpting and facial procedures, so why not? Get Sienna’s eyes and body!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Teen Choice Awards 2009!

The Teen Choice Awards aired on Sunday, August 9th at 8:00pm, and featured many of the celebrities on our Hollywood's Hottest Looks Lists! Many even went home with trophies! Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson was the big winner of the night, and took 4 awards back home to Forks. Zac Efron won 3 for his movies “High School Musical 3: Senior Year”, and “17 Again”. Not so single lady, Beyonce, was happy to grab 2 trophies for her hit song, "Single Ladies" and Choice R&B Artist. Last but definitely not least, Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, and winners of HHL’s past Megan Fox and David Backham all brought home 1 award each! We love this list of winners; we have the best cheeks, lips, chin, eyes, and bodies in the biz all represented. Put them together, and you would have the most gorgeous celebrity to ever walk the earth. Or the most terrifying. You decide.

Source for complete list of nominees and winners:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tyra Banks in Gossip Girl!

Tyra Banks, who was voted Hollywood's Hottest Jawline in 2008, will be making a guest appearance on The CW's hit show “Gossip Girl”! Tyra will not only be playing herself on the upcoming episode, but a catty actress who is a client of the firm where Serena, or as we know her, Blake “2009 Hottest Hair” Lively, works. Of course, we can expect the two characters to butt their gorgeous, perfectly coiffed heads. When done correctly, female jawline surgery can unleash your inner ty-gress, even when confronted with a golden-haired goddess like Blake. We can’t wait to see the drama between these two powerhouses!

Jessica Simpson comes out with a New Fragrance!

We all know Jessica Simpson has just split with her love Tony Romo, but it looks like she's already found a new one! "Fancy Love" is the new fragrance of 2007 and 2008's Hottest Hair, and 2006's Hottest Body… But we’ll just call her Jess for short. The new floral smelling perfume was inspired by the timeless fragrance of falling in love. Aw. We have a feeling everyone will fall in love with "Fancy Love"! Although we haven’t smelled the fragrance quite yet, we’ve always been head over heels for Jessica’s flowing mane and voluptuous curves. It’s not just women requesting thick, voluminous hair. Hair replacement surgery for men is one of the most popular procedures we perform here at BHI. Ask us today about the Fleming Mayer Flap, and other hair replacement options.

Hollywood's Hottest on Hallmark Cards?

We just can't get enough of Robert Pattinson, and now he can be a part of any special occasion! Hallmark has just launched a new line of Twilight inspired cards! Not only do they feature 2009's Hottest Jawline, Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, they also have Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner cards. The new line also includes e-cards, for the environment conscious! We’re guessing by the sheer number of our patients requesting a Pattinson-esque jawline, these cards are sure to be a success. Enhancing the jaw is a subtle yet powerful way to add just the right amount of depth and authority to the face. As for Mr. Pattinson, we can’t help but think that mighty jaw of his has only helped him to take a bigger bite out of Hollywood and now, Hallmark!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Robert Pattinson in New Moon!

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson, and Hollywood's Hottest jawline in 2009, will also be co-starring in the Twilight sequel "New Moon"! Although Robert’s character, Edward, is not as physically present in the book we have been assured that he will still be appearing in the movie quite a bit. Robert has said that he has enjoyed the stress free making of this movie and that all the pressure is now on his co-star Taylor Lautner. Maybe we'll be seeing him on our HHL list next year? We hope so! "New Moon" is set to arrive in theaters on November 20, 2009, we can't wait to see what happens next!

Scarlett Johansson to Adopt!

Scarlett Johansson who has been named Hollywood's Hottest lips for three years in a row (2006-2008) has decided to adopt a child with her husband of ten months, Ryan Reynolds! Although the two stars have not decided when they wish to adopt, it is definitely on their "to do" list. As we all know, celebrities adopting underprivileged children is somewhat of a fad right now, but this young couple’s reasoning is different, Reynolds oldest brother is adopted and he is "very pro-adoption". We wish them the best of luck! Lips are always hot at BHI and we offer the latest in fillers to provide our patients with the plumpest and most natural looking kissers available.

Hollywood'a Hottest host the ALMA Awards!

Eva Longoria Parker, who has been voted on Hollywood's Hottest Lists twice, once in 2007 for her nearly perfect jawline and then again in 2008 for her fabulous hair will be producing and hosting the ALMA Awards! The ALMA Awards are to celebrate Latino achievement in the Entertainment Industry. Co-Hosting with Eva will be the famous comedian George Lopez, this will be the first time the ALMA awards will be aired during National Latino Heritage Month. The awards show will air on ABC on September 18th, good luck Eva! Jawlines are another sought after procedure at BHI, especially by those wanting to make it in the entertainment industry. A chiseled jaw is a must have for men, and defined high cheek bones and structured jaws for women definitely make them more appealing on camera!

Hollywood's Hottest Looks Hot enough for 007?

There has recently been speculation on gossip sites that Megan Fox, voted Hollywood's Hottest eyes in 2008, has turned down a role in the upcoming James Bond movie. Fortunately, her rep has recently denied those claims saying Megan is a big fan of the movies. Now that's got us wondering whether or not she will be co-starring alongside another Hollywood's Hottest, Daniel Craig. We can't wait to see who will be the next Bond Babe! Good Luck Megan! Daniel Craig is another one of our patients’ favorite looks. He’s rugged and manly yet sports those fabulous baby blue eyes. Our male patients appreciate the fact that it is our surgical goal to provide cosmetic procedures that look completely natural. And in the case of a rugged looking man, we make sure our male cosmetic surgery patients look ruggedly rejuvenated and youthful.

Hollywood's Hottest 1930's Style!

Hollywood's Hottest Hair for 2009, Amanda Seyfries appears in the 2009 August Edition of Vanity Fair! The magazine features an "Ain't We Got Style?" photoshoot in tribute to the Hollywood, Hard Times Edition to show off the Hollywood starlets in different designer clothing. In the magazine spread Seyfries is depicted as Carole Lombard in the 1936 Depression Era movie "My Man Godfrey", the photo also features Channing Tatum who appears as William Powell. We think Amanda looks stunning, and wish her the best of luck in her upcoming movie "Jennifer's Body"! Speaking of bodies, we are known for our exceptional micro-lipo, a technique that removes extra fat in the delicate areas of the jawline, and even the knees of some patients. At BHI, we have been keeping Hollywood’s elite looking good for a long time, even during hard times.

So Hollywood's Hottest Think They Can Dance?

Katie Holmes, who was voted Hollywood's Hottest jawline in 2007, appeared to pay tribute to Judy Garland on "So You Think You Can Dance" on Thursday Night, July 23rd. For the 100th episode of the Fox television show Holmes performed "Get Happy" from "Summer Stock", the 1950's musical that starred the late Judy Garland. She decided to perform the number to raise money for the charity "The Dizzy Feet Foundation", which helps underprivileged youth with scholarships. We appreciate your hard work Katie, and we’re sure our patients do too! Katie has always been a favorite of ours because of her beautiful eyes. At BHI, eyes are a big thing as they are the first area of the face to show signs of aging. We offer a wide array of procedures that can transform the eyes back to that youthful time many want to return to. Our procedures include upper eye lid surgery, forehead lifting to return the brows to a more youthful position, lower eyelid rejuvenation and fillers to the under eye to fill a hollow area