Yahoo said that this image of actress Halle Berry attending the premiere of Things We Lost In The Fire in London on Wednesday Oct. 24, 2007, is one of the most viewed and emailed pictures of the day. One website even called her “cleavage-tastic” in her blue dress. We cannot disagree with that but we also know that Halle is naturally cleavage inclined and is even more so due to her pregnancy. Congratulations on the baby, Halle!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 5:42 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Did We Call It Or What?
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 3:01 PM
Wild About Nip/Tuck

“I went the liposuction route a couple of years ago,” said Schneider. “I would do 1000 sit-ups a day and nothing was happening.”
At BHI, we think liposuction is perfect for people who, despite all the dieting and exercise they do, still can’t lose those last few pounds. Lately, John has been known for playing Clark Kent’s father on Smallville and in the recent Amanda Byne movie, Sydney White. If he doesn’t sound familiar, we are sure you will remember him as wild Bo Duke on Dukes of Hazzard. This season on Nip/Tuck, John plays a porn star and we can’t wait to see how wild he is on this show!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 2:06 PM
Almost News

Come on, that is simply reading too much into a song! We would rather discuss Jennifer’s recent comment to BBC Radio 1, “I don’t judge anybody who has had work done [referring to plastic surgery]. You don’t know how you will feel when you reach a certain age.” said in 2004 that Jennifer had a lip reduction, two rhinoplasty surgeries, and possibly cheek implants. If she had those surgeries, why would anyone think they are awful? She has one of our most requested Hollywood Hottest Looks!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 8:10 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Better Than Fast Food

We saw the new Wendy's commercial this morning and we thought it was hilarious! It’s a mock presidential debate and the Wendy's candidate stands up in the middle of the debate and says, "What? So I can choose what celebrity's nose I want, but I have to have fries with my meal?" The commercial is about Wendy’s offering more sides with their meals, not just fries. We love that Wendy's mentions celebrity noses, exactly like we do! Hollywood’s Hottest Looks all the way!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 12:11 PM
We Couldn’t Help Ourselves
This is not the most flattering photo of Britney, so we can’t even begin to comment if she had a cosmetic procedure or not, but we do know that getting lip augmentation is no big deal. With so many choices in lip augmentation at BHI, we make sure that our patients obtain lips that not only complement their individual facial features, but looks natural and gives them the most fantastic “kissers” in Beverly Hills.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 12:05 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Nip Tuck Moving To LA!
We were driving down Hollywood and Highland the other day and saw TV’s favorite plastic surgeons in hologram at the Hollywood and Highland Center. No it’s not us, but the skirt-chasing, morality-challenged Christian Troy, and the straitlaced, idealistic Sean McNamara of the hit cable show, Nip/Tuck.
This season they are diving into the Beverly Hills lifestyle, with publicist played by Lauren Hutton at their side to bring in celebrity clientele as they try to rebuild their plastic surgery practice. Good thing this is a TV show or we would have to show them who is the best in Beverly Hills, us of course! Now that would be drama.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 11:15 AM
Botox, Schmotox!

Rumors are rampant that Ashlee Simpson is using Botox. We don’t think she is, but insiders are speculating that Ashlee is using Botox injections as frequently as once a month to achieve her “wide-eyed”, wrinkle-free look. She is 23-years old. Of course, she is wrinkle free! Also, why would she deny using Botox? Her sister, Jessica, was open about using Restylane for her lips and Ashley has admitted to plastic surgery earlier this year when she had rhinoplasty. Even though we don’t think Ashley had Botox, if she did, there is nothing wrong with doing a little preventative work!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 11:00 AM
If I Could Turn Back Time

"Yes, I have had a facelift, but who hasn't? … I asked my 90-year-old grandmother what she wanted for her 90th birthday and she wanted collagen in her lips!” said Cher back in September to Let Life In Magazine.
We love it but we think that she meant her mother. It turns out that Cher is not alone. With her fellow baby boomers, facelifts are the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for men and women over age 55. At BHI, we love doing facelifts because there is a wide range of different types of facelifts and procedures that can be performed depending on the individual patient and the aspects of the aging face that apply to them. Rumor has it that Cher might be having rejuvenation in anticipation of her new Vegas show. Thanks Cher, for reminding us that we don’t have to look our physical age, but the age we feel, and still get our social security!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 10:36 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
First Super Neck!

We don’t think that Janice is old by any means, but many people are turning to plastic surgeons to eliminate the saggy neck skin under the chin that says, "I'm old." Though it used to be part of a face-rejuvenation procedure, tightening the skin in the neck in an hour-long visit is becoming a popular procedure unto itself.
The reality TV regular, 52, has made no effort to hide her love of plastic surgery and has undergone numerous operations, including a facelift and a boob job, to preserve her youthful looks. If she did just get a necklift, congratulations on taking care of business.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 8:04 AM
"I don't see me getting oodles of stuff done, but for some things it's a godsend. After three kids, gravity takes its toll and everything heads south, so it's an option."
We don’t know that plastic surgery is a “godsend” but we definitely think it’s a great option to people who want to look their best. And Demi, you look terrific!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 7:58 AM
It’s in the Stars

We certainly agree, especially with someone as gorgeous as Michelle, that a little nip and tuck here and there is the perfect way to go for a rested and rejuvenated look. Too often people judge plastic surgery by the horror stories, but at BHI we provide happily ever afters.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 7:49 AM
Best Hair and Now Top Face
In Beverly Hills and throughout Los Angeles, everyone is an actor/actress. At BHI, we are not easily impressed but we can’t help getting a little star struck.'s first-ever analysis of top-selling famous faces placed Jennifer Aniston as the number one top face. Jennifer has been “most desired hair” on our Hollywood’s Hottest Looks survey in the past but we have a feeling that this year Jennifer’s face is going to be one of our most requested features.
Jennifer has admitted to having rhinoplasty to correct her deviated septum back in January. With a deviated septum, patients complain of difficulty breathing easily, or of sleeping disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea. Jennifer says, “Best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years.” A good night’s rest and a beautiful nose what more can the top-selling face ask for?
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 7:41 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Some Like It Hot!

Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 2:37 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Blame Canada!

Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 6:06 PM
America's Next Non-Smoker?
So this season, Tyra Banks has declared that America’s Next Top Model (ANTM) will be a smoke-free season. Seems to us at BHI that Tyra is going for do-gooder status this season, first ANTM goes GREEN (no more Hummer Limos driving the girls around) and now smoke free. For the first shoot, it was a composite image of each of the ANTM hopefuls made up to look glamorous as she sits smoking in front of a mirror. Then, special effects makeup will show what smoking does to the face. About time the modeling industry stops glamorizing smoking!
Yes, yes, smoking is bad for the body but we all know that what really matters is the face. Kidding aside, at the BHI we let our patients know that smoking causes premature wrinkling around the eyes and the mouth, increased facial capillaries and a pale, grayish tint to the skin. After five years of smoking, 25 year old models who smoke look much older! No wonder they have to start so young. In order to correct the premature aging from smoking, they will need regular regimens of Botox, Fillers, and Chemical Peels with a possible face lift depending on how long they have been smoking. So let that be a lesson to models, model hopefuls, and everyone else that smokes, smoking is not sexy nor is it worth your looks! Can't wait Wednesday for the next episode.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 11:48 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Yes, We Read These Magazines Too!

In Touch “outs” Megan Fox as having some type of cosmetic procedure to smooth out her nose. No matter if she did or didn’t, Megan’s face is gorgeous. We know patients are going to want her Hollywood’s Hottest Looks!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 6:36 AM
Hottest Woman on the Set of “Dirty Sexy Money”?
We just heard that Patrick Darling (Billy Baldwin) the oldest son of the Darling clan, who also happens to be a New York Attorney General who’s running for the U.S. Senate (whoa, that’s a mouthful) will be having a love affair with a… transgender character. The actress is Candis Cayne, who is a transgender herself. What a breakthrough for the Transgender community.
She is a beautiful woman and while she isn’t our client, we have been creating these natural appearing females for decades. We know that to achieve that level of feminization, it does require quite a bit of facial plastic surgery. As facial plastic surgeons here at Beverly Hills Institute, we know quite a bit about the many procedures that the women of the transgender community need in order to feel beautiful. Like we always say, whatever we can do to help a woman feel and look her best, we will do it.
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 6:25 AM
US Weekly and Beverly Hills Institute…All Celebrity, All the Time!
“People would say, ‘You have such a big nose!’ And they’d make fun of me for being so flat, and say mean boy things, like, “If you nailed two nails in a board, they would be bigger than you are.” I was tormented…Whatever women need to do to feel sexy, they should do.”
We are so on top of celebrity news! We like a natural looking nose and agree with the current emphasis on natural results, which has been our philosophy for almost 30 years. Love the look, Heidi!
Posted by The Beverly Hills Institute at 6:12 AM